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Walk Your Quest

Jay Shetty, an award winning host, storyteller and a former monk, beautifully shared an insight that, ‘ We only talk about people’s stories when they succeed. And that is why it becomes a taboo  that their failures never happened. And there is a need to share these stories earlier, bring out the experiences so people who are on their journey can follow in the footsteps.’

It’s a beautiful video message by and you can watch here.

This message resonated with me and compelled me to act in a way that I can. So, here is this section on my blog called ‘ Walk your quest’ that shares stories, insights and experiences from people who have mustered up the courage to build their life by following their heart. They have not allowed their resume alone to define them. They have gone beyond the conventional limitations and mindsets that were barriers to the adventures that were awaiting them. These adventures which eventually have set them on their path, their soul’s calling and their purpose to serve.

Success and failures are momentary milestones. It is the conscious mind that demands acknowledgement. The truth anchors in the moment and that is eternity. Nothing truly lasts beyond a moment.

So, join in and tune in and read some fabulous stories of strength and courage, of vulnerability and adventure at ‘Walk Your Quest’. 

May you connect with this clan here, get inspired to walk your path with enthusiasm , love and contribute to this world not just with your skills but also by your mere presence wherever you go.

(Watch out for this space, it will feature interviews with individuals who are on their quest on 4th Friday of every month)

(I love to draw and the above art is my creation. If you like it, you can follow my HappyHippo Page on Facebook)

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