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Guidance and Consultation

“Let yourself be guided towards your highest best. If you are feeling lost, unsure of your next step right now, then pause, take a deep breath, close your eyes and if you feel connected to this energy of words, reach out for guidance and consultation.”

-Dhara Purohit John

Dhara’s encounter with the world of self-help, spirituality and esoteric sciences began in 2012. As she ventured into the arena of entrepreneurship, the journey compelled her to look within, work on the necessary mindset shifts while learning to deal with the waves of uncertainty, fear and getting overwhelmed. Since then the journey to connect with cosmic intelligence has only gotten deeper. Out of her zeal to learn, Dhara has done over 100 courses from Energy Anatomy, to Playback Theatre, to writing courses, shadow work for writers, journaling and many more.

Dhara has designed over 30 experiential workshop modules for psychotherapists with an intention to empower people and re-wire for mindful living. She is a professionally trained Tarot reader. Through her (gifted) intuitive abilities she has facilitated over 2500 cases across 5 years of study in Family Constellation modality.

Dhara does not believe in predicting the future but in creating it by making conscious and mindful choices. Her guidance and consultation is rooted in an intention to empower people to heal themselves. Her tools are designed to show you your start point, inspire you to embark on a journey of inner transformation and unlock your highest potential.

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