Home » Ubuntu: “I am because we are.”

Ubuntu: “I am because we are.”


Ubuntu is an ideology that exists in an African Tribe. I feel it epitomises true essence of humanity. A belief in the universal bond of sharing that unifies all humanity. This may not be dominant but it is surely not lost.

Companionship orchestrates the pulse of this ideology. As we all remain connected in this pool of consciousness, it is time we stop fostering biases that break us, instead of nurture the camaraderie that binds us. Life becomes meaningful when we give generously and live graciously.


I share the story, and more insights on the philosophy of Ubuntu on my podcast ‘The Reflections’. Tune in and share your thoughts, questions or takeaways at connect@dharapurohit.com


I am a quester, constantly seeking and exploring life in many ways; passionate about various art forms and understanding the mysteries of mind.

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