Calm Your Fears

Calm Your Fears

Memory and imagination are tools, and the tools are either useful or destructive on the way we use them. Often the emotion around these tools is fear. We fear our past repeating itself, or we…



“By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for oneself an island which no flood can overwhelm” – Dhammapada  Uncertainty is inevitable and change is the only constant thing. It can…

The Zen Life

The Zen Life

  “A strong man overcomes an obstacle, but a wise man goes the whole way.” – Zen Proverb The way we perceive our journey can either leave us empowered or disdained. When you live the…

Broken Pieces

“We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by love, we are not extending in the present.” – Marianne Williamson There was a time when I believed that…

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