Many things upset us. There are infinite reasons to blame when things do not go the way we want them to. There are never-ending complaints that demand attention. There is a lot of anger within. But toxic criticism cannot lead you to the answer. It will only fuel resentment and keep you trapped in the pool of problems.
However, acceptance and appreciation is the key to bring about much-needed change. Try it out today and witness the miracles of everyday living. There is always something to appreciate. The question is are you willing to find it? Are you willing to take a hit if the solution demands you to participate? Or are you okay to talk and not act? The actions can be simple and yet have a profound impact. It all starts with working on yourself.
Be the joy so that you can spread it around.
Be calm so that you can stop fuelling the storm around.
Become the faith so that you can defeat your fears.
Do the small acts every day, and bring out the change in every way.
Amazing article Dhara. Thank you.:)