Every single moment the biochemistry within you is changing. The question is whether it is changing for better or for worse? Are you consciously participating in this change, or are you oblivious to its occurrence?…
Author: dharapurohit
I am a quester, constantly seeking and exploring life in many ways; passionate about various art forms and understanding the mysteries of mind.
Is your universe hostile or friendly? The perception you have about the universe in your mind will give a glimpse into the kind of self-talks you indulge in. When the self-talk is entrenched in prejudices,…
Self-awareness is a virtue, and often ignored in the dominance of developing your IQ (Intelligence Quotient). It is a crucial component that helps you to recognise unruly thoughts. Such thoughts reflect suppressed emotions creating an…
The true sense of well-being comes from the premise of feeling ‘complete within’. When we do not seek or look for an external thing to help us feel complete, we can say that we…
In the chaos that surrounds us, in the opinions that overpower us, it is time to reflect and remind ourselves of what truly lies at our core. The seed of compassion is at the…
“Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one’s awareness of one’s ignorance.” – Anthony de Mello. Awareness is a powerful virtue but often undervalued. Sometimes we are so entangled in our own web of…
Memory and imagination are tools, and the tools are either useful or destructive on the way we use them. Often the emotion around these tools is fear. We fear our past repeating itself, or we…
Ubuntu is an ideology that exists in an African Tribe. I feel it epitomises true essence of humanity. A belief in the universal bond of sharing that unifies all humanity. This may not be…
“By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for oneself an island which no flood can overwhelm” – Dhammapada Uncertainty is inevitable and change is the only constant thing. It can…
“A strong man overcomes an obstacle, but a wise man goes the whole way.” – Zen Proverb The way we perceive our journey can either leave us empowered or disdained. When you live the…